KAL Roster Download

Automated KAL roster list downloads

You must use your KAL email when checking out

PDFs in One Click

Download Roster Report, Roster List, and Roster Summary as PDFs with one click

Secure checkout

Secure payments provided by Stripe. Your payment details are handled entirely on Stripe's servers.

Powered by Stripe


The program will not work unless you have purchased KAL Roster Download with your KAL email address. One purchase is required per email address.

You must have Google Chrome installed.

You may have to sign in to Google the first time you run the program.


If downloading gives a warning, press "keep" or "download anyway".

If launching the app gives a warning, right click the app in Finder and select "Open".

Feel free to contact gabe@gabebanks.net if you have any issues with the software.